Numerical Modeling of Ti-6Al-4V Microstructure Evolution for Thermomechanical Process Control


This talk focused on preliminary results on microstructure evolution modeling using finite element crystal plasticity (FECP), MonteCarlo (MC), and phase field (PF) methods. FECP is used to simulate deformation induced evolution of the microstructure and compute heterogeneous stored energy providing additional source of energy to MC and PF models. Preliminary results on deformation simulation of a simpler microstructure in Nickel was presented. The MC grain growth model, calibrated using literature and experimental data, is used to simulate grain growth β-Ti-6Al-4V. A multi-phase field, augmented with crystallographic symmetry and orientation relationship between αβ phases of Ti-6Al-4V, is employed to model simultaneous evolution and growth of all twelve α-variants in 3D. The influence of transformation and coherency strain energy on α-variant selection is studied by coupling the model with the Khachaturyan-Shatalov formalism for elastic strain calculation. This FECP/MC/PF suite will be able to simulate evolution of grains in the microstructure and within individual β-grains during typical thermomechanical processing conditions.

This research is sponsored through a grant from NSF, Award CMMI1729336, DMREF: Adaptive control of Microstructure from the Microscale to the Macroscale.